The Process

Product Details

Metal Prints are made by infusing an image onto specially coated aluminum. This process results in photo prints so vivid and life-like, they appear to be lit from within. The aluminum used is .045″ thick, recycled aluminum sheets from ChomaLuxe producing high definition, vibrant prints that are eco-friendly, too.


Although metal prints are lighter than a framed print, they need to be hung on a secure hook. As with all artwork, avoid hanging metal prints in direct sunlight.

Cleaning & Care Instructions

  • Keep Metal Prints indoors and out of direct sunlight.
  • Handle the surface with care to avoid scratching.
  • Avoid stacking Metal Prints on top of each other, as surface abrasions may occur.
  • Metal Prints can be cleaned with a dust cloth or with glass cleaner and a clean rag.


If you need to move your metal print to another location, use the following precautions.

  • Avoid bending or scratching your print
  • Securely place the print in a heavy plastic bag, lay the print photo side down on a strong piece of cardboard or hardboard with a boarder of at least 2” or larger around the entire print and securely tape it to the board.
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